About us

What is InfluentialFuture?

InfluentialFuture is an ambitious project that aims to bring about a wider knowledge, understanding and insight into the dynamic world of new technologies, energy, green initiatives, artificial intelligence, and many other topics that have and will have a profound impact on modern society. Moving forward and improving ourselves is what makes us human and hopefully, you will find his passion enticing and learn more about the world around us and how it is constantly changing.  From interviewing seasoned professionals to making sure that each article is thoroughly researched and gives an interesting perspective.


As part of that journey besides focusing on articles InfluentialFuture has a dedicated podcast called CareerFocus, where our founder interviews people from a wide range of professionals to bring about awareness as to what type of careers young people in high school and university but also people, who are looking for a new vocation can pursue. Interviewees discuss their education, career journey to date, projects they have been working on, navigating the challenging corporate world and many more.




Alexander Marinov is a seasoned professional close to 10 years of professional experience in the space of financial services, consulting, and technology. During that time, he became fascinated with the world of innovation and how that would and is impacting modern society. That is why he decided to create InfluentialFuture and CareerFocus in the same space as new technology moves forward. It creates new professions that are not widely known and/or even if they are it is not always quite clear what they would entail. The main aim of InfluentialFuture is to bring knowledge to the forefront and bring about new information for all.

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Influential Future
  New technologies
Green cities
Renewable energy
Global trade
Finance explained
Career focus
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